Migrate from eedomus to eedomus+
From eedomus - Documentation
The migration from eedomus to eedomus+ is possible in a few clics.
1. The 2 eedomus must be associated to the same eedomus user account
If it is not the cas, clic on "Configuration / Add an eedomus"
Give a other name to the new eedomus for a better identification.
2. The Z-Wave network should be void on eedomus plus.
3. Z-Wave radio transfer
Place the 2 eedomus close one from the other (2m maximum)
Open a second tab on your broher (to be quick on the step 5 that shoud be realised just after step 4).
3a. Launch "Learn Mode" on the new eedomus plus.
Clic on "Configuration / Add-remove a device / Advanced Z-Wave fucntions" then "Learn Mode"
3b. Immediately, launch an inclusion on the OLD eedomus.
Clic on "Configuration / Add a device / Include a Z-Wave device" in the second tab of your browser. Choose the OLD eedomus.
Wait for the inclusion (no use to press a button as written).
Save the page as written (the device is a secondary controler.
Note: A message saying your controller is not Node 1 can be ignored during this operation.
4. Transfer all the devices
To finalize, clic on "Configurer" (of the OLD eedomus) then "Transfer X devices"
This transfer is done via eedoums platform.
The OLD eedomus should take another Z-Wave network identifier.
This step takes a couple of minutes, don't unplug to fast!
To be know
Everything is transfered: configuration, devices Encoean, RFXUSB, rules, scripts.