Associating devices

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Associating directly devices between them

For the remote control or a switch (cell) can switch off lights (taken stowaway) must perform an operation called association (not to be confused with the inclusion in the network). This operation consists in making a direct association between the control device and the device controlled.

Same control device may be associated with multiple devices controlled (within limits that are device-dependent control, usually 4 or 5). The same device can be controlled by several remote switch-associated, and by the Central eedomus simultaneously.

How to associate a switch to a power

  • On the switch: a long press "associate" The green light flashes quickly. The support should be long, at least 2 seconds
  • On the switch: pressing the button "up" (= "on", which is the top button). The green flash is getting slower.
  • On hold: press the button 3 times. The flashing stops

It works, you can try! Support simple buttons to control a switch. To adjust the level of a dimmer (dimmer), perform a long press on the buttons 'on' or 'off', and release the desired brightness.

How to remove the association of a switch to a power

  • On the switch: a long press "associate" The green light flashes quickly. The support should be long, at least 2 seconds
  • On the switch: pressing "off" or "down" (the lighting on the top button). The green flash is getting slower.
  • On hold: press the button 3 times. The flashing stops

How to bind a key on the remote control to a power

  • On the remote: a long press "associate" (in the hatch next to the battery). The green light flashes quickly. The support should be long, at least 2 seconds
  • On the remote: press once and then the button "up" (= "on", which corresponds to the ignition) to program the remote (This is the left column on the front, number 1, 2 , etc ...). The green flash is getting slower.
  • The taking, press the button 3 times. The flashing on the remote stops

It works, you can try! Support simple buttons to control a switch. To adjust the level of a dimmer (dimmer), perform a long press on the buttons 'on' or 'off', and release the desired brightness.

This approach is the classic. There is a faster variant for the first shot to add a button:

  • On the remote: press 3 times the button "up" the desired group on the remote
  • Then on decision: press the button 3 times to the EXT commissioned to

How to remove the association of a button on the remote to a power

It's like the association, except that you press the "down" (= "off") instead of "up".

  • On the remote: a long press "associate" (in the hatch next to the battery). The green light flashes quickly. The support should be long, at least 2 seconds
  • On the remote: and press once on the "down" (= "off", which corresponds to extinction, right column) to program the remote. The green flash is getting slower.
  • On hold: press the button 3 times. The flashing on the remote control stops. A decision on how quickly, in 1.5 seconds!

Function all on / all off [To do]

Groups [To do]

Scenes [To do]

Back to the factory configuration of the remote (Resetting) If you are not sure of the configuration of your remote, or if you wish to reset all settings:

  • Press the "exclusion" for more than 6 seconds (up to a triple flashing green, orange, red)
  • Perform 3 clicks "ALL ON"
  • 3 clicks and then to "ALL OFF"

Following this operation, the remote is no longer part of any domain. It will then include the new remote in an area if vouoms want to use it (see [Add a device to your central eedomus])