Configuring a Shelly module with eedomus

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This page is about the Shelly Wifi or LAN devices (not the Z-Wave modules).

It describes the principles of the configuration. See the detailed page for each module or type.

Wifi devices are interesting because the Wifi network is easy to extend in large buildings, several floors, using the same SSID (as in hotels). Shelly also has the advantage of offering a configuration that can be independent of the cloud and any app (unlike Tuya). Wifi configuration is, however, a little more complex than adding a Z-Wave or Zigbee module.

There are 3 main steps to configuration:

  1. connect the Shelly module to your WiFi network
  2. create the actuator or sensor modules in eedomus that will interact with the Shelly module
  3. configure the Shelly module to send information to the sensors (this phase is not necessarily necessary for the actuators).

In order for the Shelly module to communicate with eedomus (sensors), you need to set up an Actions in the Shelly module. In this action, you enter a web address (URL), which calls either the eedomus cloud api, the local eedomus api or a php script from the eedomus store on the eedomus box.

When eedomus communicates with the Shelly module (actuator), eedomus uses an "HTTP actuator" which calls the Shelly module by its IP address.

For modules that support it, the Shelly object from eedomus Store object (thanks KikiFUNstyle) takes care of steps 2 and 3.


Steps for a sensor (example with the eedomus cloud api)

1. Connect the Shelly module to your Wifi network

2. Create an HTTP sensor (which will not make an HTTP request, setting frequency to 0)

Then go to / Config / My account - API: to retrieve the Cloud Set API URL for the sensor

3. Set an action on the Shelly module website

By copying the URL of the Cloud API (and adding $temperature for a temperature sensor).

Steps for an actuator (example with an eedomus http actuator)

1. Connect the Shelly module to your Wifi network

Give it a fixed IP address, preferably via your router's DHCP.

2. Create an HTTP actuator in eedomus

Add an ON action and an OFF action for a socket
See syntax below depending on version

List of Shelly devices

Shelly devices

Additional information: URL depending on the version of the Shelly module

There are 2 versions of Shelly modules: Gen1 and Gen2. he 2 versions do not respond to the same commands.

To activate a relay, the URL is :

To recognise the version, you can test the status request:

We don't necessarily recommend adding a password to the Shelly module. It does provide security, but at the cost of increased complexity. It's a bit like locking all the interior doors in your home. It's going to make life harder for an intruder, but it's going to make life harder for you too. We only recommend this for modules that control openings (shutters, gates, garage door, etc.).

Similarly, we recommend that you use HTTP rather than HTTPS. This is important for battery-powered modules, as HTTPS involves twice as many exchanges and reduces battery life. Communications are already encrypted by the WiFi network (which itself must be secure).

Additional information: choose the communication from Shelly to eedomus

There are three possible methods for setting up the Action on the Shelly local website:

In order for the Shelly module to communicate to eedomus (sensor), an Action must be set up in the Shelly module. In this action, you enter a web address (URL), which calls up the

'cloud eedomus api

To find this API, you go to the API request builder on eedomus API#Automatic generation of API requests

The request looks like

This is the simplest method, as it does not require you to set the IP of the eedomus box. However, it will not work if your Internet access is cut off. It is limited on the Free service to 1000 requests per day (but not on the Premium service).

local eedomus api

To find this API, you go to the API request builder on eedomus API#Automatic generation of API requests

The request looks like http://192.168.1.xx/api/..... You can also use the mDNS name http://eedomus.local/api/...

It has the advantage of being local, and of working even if your internet access is cut off. It is not limited by anything other than the technical resources of the eedomus box.

php script from the eedomus store to the eedomus box

This communication mode is used by the Shelly module of the eedomus blind.

Read in French