Technical support

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Devices / Z-Wave / Occasional problems :

One or more devices were activated without me doing anything

Several avenues are to be considered:

- A commaned SWITCH_ALL was issued by one of your devices.
In this situation, there are more often multiple devices that turn on (Not all of them necessarily respond to this command by default)
You will have to look at the manuals of your devices to identify which one is able to send this command and why it did so.

- If some devices do not respond because they are unplugged, down or at the limit of range, this can generate additional Z-Wave traffic because the network will insist and look for alternative routes to reach them.
And this can sometimes result in frame errors that can end up unintentionally turning a device on or off.
It is therefore suggested to delete or disable a device that is no longer reachable and to disable polling of devices that are at the limit of range.

- The network is saturated by pollings, and their multiplication can eventually result in a Z-Wave tramez error that will turn on a device.
It is therefore suggested to remove or reduce polling as much as possible, especially since with the latest Z-Wave devices polling is no longer required.

Note: Using secure inclusion can limit this problem because consistency checks are multiplied (to the detriment of performance)

If it doesn't allow you to solve thie issue, you send a message to eedomus team. To send a request to eedomus support team,
pleaseplease connect to your account first
