Technical support

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For an optimal answer, send a message to the eedomus team using this assistant:

Please select a support domain:    

Access interfaces :

I do not any more manage to connect in eedomus
to the portal or applications
Click on Forgotten Password? to receive your password by email and by SMS (if you informed your mobile number)

If it doesn't allow you to solve thie issue, you send a message to eedomus team.

Email address for registration:

A screen capture can help solving the issue.
Alternatively, you can add a ZIP file.

Add a file

Type here your support subject:

Describe exactly your request: Some tips for better treatment of your request:
• If your problem seems general, try to identify if it does not come from a device type only (eg Z-Wave, HTTP sensor, ...)
• If your problem is a lack of rule or action triggering, specify the circumstances in as much detail as possible (eg, "My xxx device should have turned on at 8:12 pm because the yyy rule should have been checked, but it did not come on")
