XPL devices

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The box eeDomus allow the Management of xPL protocol thanks to two modules : les Sensors and actuators xPL


The first one, (xPL actuator) can transmit frames xPL on the network, and the second (xPL sensor) to read values ​​transmitted over the network.

xPL devices

xPL Actuators

The xPL Actuator allows to send two kinds of message xPL according to the schemas x10.sensor (protocole x10, domia et rts) et ac.sensor for the Chacon's protocol.

These messages are natively compatible with the use of a radio controller RFXCOM Réf 11202 giving the box eeDomus compatible with all the devices following:

And all the devices compatibles with the products Chacon :

To configure an actuator xPL, just fill in the data base, as its name, its location and use:


Then, select the technology of the actuator. This information will be used to define the schema of the message xPL and the format (see Gestion_du_protocole_xPL)

For a message type X10, Domia / ARC or RTS, the address of the actuator is of the form [AP] [1-16], so just put a letter between A and P followed by a number between 1 and 16


The brand new devices Chacon (all brands and compatibles) work by learning. The address consists of a code (from 0x01-0x3FFFFFF) et d'un code unité.

The device will be configured under the form Adresse[:code unité], il unit code is not precised,it will automatically defined at the value 1


xPL protocole transmitted on the network the state modification of an actuator, the value of the actuator xPL will be automatically updated.

When a message is received xPL, whether it concerns an actuator which is not yet configured on the box eeDomus, a message appears in the list Notifications, and a notification (yellow bar at the top of the page is displayed) :


It suffices to create an actuator by copying exactly the same address to automatically manage the device.

This helps trigger actions from a remote or sensor Chacon, Domia, X10 ...

Sensors xPL

The box eeDomus can manage any type of sensor according to the scheme xPL sensor.basic (Management of xPL protocol)

Using RFXCOM xPL allows it to make the box compatible with the full range of weather sensors Oregon Scientific (temperature sensors, anemometer, rain gauge, hygrometer ...)

The configuration of a sensor xPL is very simple:


You must choose the sensor name, the room where it is installed and its use.

The sensor unit can also be defined for different displays and graphics.

As for the actuators, each time the box eedomus receives a message on a sensor that is not yet configured on the box, a message is added as Notification:


The message contains the address of the sensor (in bold), type (or use) and the current value.

The creation of the sensor is then very simple, since you have to copy the address into the address field and select the type of use (use).

A number of use are predefined:


These are equivalent between use and the type displayed in the system tray:

  • Temperature => temp
  • Humidity => Humidity
  • Electricity => current
  • Wind [speed] => gust
  • UV index => uv
  • Pressure => pressure

If the type you wish to use is not in this list, just choose another indicator and to address the sensor as address: type.

Here for example the management of the battery temperature sensor Oregon Scientific


Further, it is also possible to define terminals to the sensor in the address field.

The address of the sensor is then: address: type: min: max

It becomes very interesting to create multiple sensors on the same data type, but each in a different range.

The scale's use Oregon Scientific GR101 with the RFXCOM allows creation of a sensor for each personn of the household :



Management for xPL eedomus was developed in collaboration with Planet Domotique.com
