Factory reset an eedomus

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The reset of an eedomus is done through the "delete" from the account (then you can delete the account itself).

It may happen that the account is not known (second hand or installer).

You can force the factory reset if you are on the same network and have physical access to the device.

Go onto the status page http://EEDOMUS_IP/status/, then click on Delete and confirm by pushing on the top button (round button on the top, usually green).

How to find the IP of the eedomus

You may check with Windows Explorer (Network section).

This works only for reedomus+ as only this version broadcast its name with UPnP protcol.

You may use a tool, like Netscan (http://doc.eedomus.com/view/R%C3%A9initialiser_une_box_eedomus)

What to to if the IP is not found or the page /status does not exist ?=

You can do first a Software_restoring